

Business Data Recovery

Disaster Recovery Plans


Is your business prepared for the worst? Disaster can strike at any time. Nerds On Site provides comprehensive disaster recovery plans that will protect your most valuable assets.
Statistics show, on average, over 40% of businesses that do not have a Disaster Recovery Plan go out of business after a major loss like a fire, a break-in, a storm, or sabotage. Nerds On Site can prevent a temporary setback from becoming a permanent failure by creating the right disaster recovery plan.

Our Disaster Recovery Plans includes:

Help identifying the key components crucial to recovery so that priceless and proprietary data is not lost.

Establishing a formal restoration process for business continuity and get everyone functioning again.

Creating a comprehensive plan that brings all important information and procedures together, reducing the risk that vital pieces are overlooked.

Assigning tasks to certain roles to ensure every step is accounted for and recovery time is expedited, getting your business back on track.